Friday, May 09, 2008

Happy Birthday Austin! Love, L.

I know we all wish Austin the Happiest of Birthdays ! xoxoxoxo

click on the speaker to turn on the song.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

The Reality of Distraction

A long trip to Charleston has left me slightly less long-winded than usual. So today, rather than the hard-core existentialism that you have come to expect, I thought I would just mention our current favorite family/pregnancy related show.

It's called "Jon and Kate Plus 8", and is on TLC. I'd tell you the time, but as a TIVO watcher who's wife does the taping, time is no longer a concept I recognize when it comes to television. :-)
Anyhow, it concerns the life of a family with 8 children: 2 twins and 6 sextuplets. It started shortly after the 6 were born, and in three seasons, has followed their lives for the past three years. It is oddly fascinating and quite a treat if you enjoy a little more reality in your "reality tv" than the standard fare.

In any case, it is a great way to spend your leisure time until "Ice Road Truckers" comes back.

Here is a link for more info on the show.

Come on...give us some comments...

So we were hoping this blog would serve as something of a dialogue and that we would be innundated with advice and thoughts from our family and friends. But right now, it's seeming a little monologue-ish.

Since many of you have children, we would love to hear your thoughts on what we're going though. Don't know how to leave a comment? Under the entry, there's a line that says "0 comments." Just click on that box and a comment form opens.

Or send us an email and we will post your message in the blog.

We would love to hear from you guys!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

My Newest Baby Related Obsession...

Before I get started let me first respond to Austin's previous blog by stating that I think that she definately has the worse situation regarding when it comes to pregnancy. I would never in a million years trade places and teach kindergardeners while constantly feeling while I was going to throw up... so bring on the housework.
(I would have put this as a response within her blog like she does with mine, but only she seems to have that power).

Back to the title of this blog, my newest baby related obsession is... getting in shape. At least I think that it is baby related, could be spring related, or getting beaten by my little sis in a 3 mile jog while visiting her related, or her just finishing a half marathon while I spend most of my days in front of a computer related.

However... I have been thinking lately that some of the things I remember most about my father were going running with him at the local high-school track, the camping trips and hikes that we used to take, and just the general feeling that he was almost invincible in his strength, tirelessness, and health.

Meanwhile, the current computer time at my job, the many distractions around the house, and just the general feeling of inertia at the end of the day have led to a long time without working out. Overall, my sluggishness is at about an 8 on 10 point scale.

So, last night I decided that it is time to get back in shape and headed to the local lap pool. The 1800 yard workout was a stark reminder of just how far I have fallen from the triathlon days. The workout was cut short by a feeling of nausea that I can only assume rivals what Austin has been feeling, and the painful headache and numbingly tired brain led to me walking into the womens locker room to the surprise of a (thankfully fully clothed) woman.

Still it felt good to finally break some of the stagnant blood loose from my veins. I have signed up for a card good for 10 visits and have vowed to use them all up in the next few weeks.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Poor Kevin

It's true, I am one sick puppy. I am very tired and dizzy, but mostly I am sick to my stomach pretty much twenty four hours a day. It is wearing me down although I know it's a small price to pay.

In addition to feeling bad for myself, I feel bad for poor Kevin. I am less than no help around the house. Basically I work and then come home and sleep. On the weekends I mix it up with a lot of laying on the couch.

The end result is a dirty house and laundry that is climbing up the sky. Plus endless errands that I just cannot get it together to run. In conclusion, poor Kevin.

Hopefully this will stop soon.

Better Pregnancy Living Through Chemicals

Today's post concerns the trials of morning sickness (a misnomer as it appears to last all day) and a call for any ideas on foods or drugs that are beneficial and safe for the baby. Austin has been bearing up well to the constant feeling of nausea, but occasionally, during particularly bad bouts, I can see the panic in her eyes and know that she is feeling like she can't possibly endure this misery for one more day. I have only felt that way a couple times in my life and can't imangine going through it for two months straight.

So... in order to ease this misery, we have been trying a myriad of recommendations...
Saltines, ginger snaps, ginger ale, Emetrol, Sea Bands, Vitamin B-6 supplements, and lately Metaclopramide. So far, none of them seem to have any effect, and Metaclopramide seems to add the symptom of increased dizziness. Phenergan is next on the doctor's list, but Austin took that after her last surgery and while she enjoyed it thoroughly, and appeared pretty normal if a little sleepy on it. She doesn't remember most of the days where she was taking it... which is a little concerning.

Mike, a great friend, a NASA scientist, and probably the best dad I know that it roughly my age who has the added benefit of having an obstetrical nurse as a wife recommended Zofran and to a lesser extent Regulin with the caveat that they haven't been tested quite as throughly with pregnancy as the others, so these are next on our list.

It is, however, disconcerting to see Austin only able to eat a fraction of every meal and with dark circles under her eyes, so if you know of any remedies that worked for you that I haven't mentioned, please post in the comments.