At nine weeks LP is now no longer an embryo but now a fetus. Good for him! He's the size of a medium green olive. Also, "The head has straightened out and is more fully developed, the ears are much more prominent, and some new organs (the liver, spleen, and gallbladder) are forming. Your fetus is also making spontaneous movements of his or her arms and legs now that minuscule muscles are beginning to develop."
All in all, baby and I are really quite busy.

How am I feeling? So nauseated from morning to night that I could cry. A small price to pay, for sure, but still sucky. Also incredibly tired and prone to nodding off whenever Kevin and I are on the couch watching something.
So that's baby and me at nine weeks.
All in all, baby and I are really quite busy.

How am I feeling? So nauseated from morning to night that I could cry. A small price to pay, for sure, but still sucky. Also incredibly tired and prone to nodding off whenever Kevin and I are on the couch watching something.
So that's baby and me at nine weeks.
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